Geoffrey | December 7, 2009
NBC's Anne Thompson, on Monday's Today, covered the Climategate story only to essentially dismiss it in a nothing-to-see here, move along fashion.
Geoffrey | December 4, 2009
Chris Matthews, on Thursday's Hardball, admonished one of his panelists, April Ryan of American Urban Radio Networks, for using the term "homeland," because "it sounds like Russia," and worried that use of that term could lead to calling the United States "motherland," and "fatherland," and "that's when we are getting imperial."
Geoffrey | December 2, 2009
Chris Matthews, on Wednesday's Hardball, opened the show by offering an apology to members of the military and their families for his infamous West Point is the "enemy camp," quote but then interviewed the Marine slandering John Murtha.
Geoffrey | November 20, 2009
Chris Matthews compares GOP Congresswoman Virginia Foxx to a replictant from the sci-fi classic Blade Runner.
Geoffrey | November 18, 2009
NBC's Matt Lauer invited on Newsweek managing editor Dan Klaidman, on Wednesday's Today, to answer Sarah Palin's charge that the magazine's recent cover photo of her, in a jogging outfit, was "sexist," but Klaidman denied the accusation.
Geoffrey | November 18, 2009
Chris Matthews got together with the Politico's Jeanne Cummings and the Chicago Tribune's Clarence Page to look down their collective noses at the concept of Sarah Palin as a writer on Tuesday's Hardball, with Matthews even questioning the former vice presidential candidate's mental state as he pondered: "Is this delusion here?"
Geoffrey | November 10, 2009
On Tuesday's Today show Carrie Prejean defended the latest scrutiny surrounding her as the latest example of "liberal bias in the media," of "conservative women" being attacked and slammed Keith Olbermann.
Geoffrey | November 9, 2009
Reporting live from the Berlin Wall NBC's Tom Brokaw, on Monday's "Today" show, never once mentioned Ronald Reagan's name and his role in helping to end the Cold War, but did find time to praise Mikhail Gorbachev and "Today" co-anchor Matt Lauer even wondered if it was "a little egocentric" to look at the fall of the Wall as an "American victory."
Geoffrey | November 2, 2009
When a despondent Matthews worried that Barack Obama wasn't more aggressive in pushing health care reform, Fineman calmed Matthews down by assuring him that "one of his great patience" which prompted Matthews to ponder: "Howard is he smarter than us?" to which Fineman affirmed: "Of course he is! Much smarter!"
Geoffrey | October 30, 2009
Chris Matthews compares "torture man" Dick Cheney to Uday and Qusay Hussein.