
Jay Maxson | April 12, 2022
The Blaze Fearless podcast commentator Jason Whitlock on Monday accused the Disney empire of expanding its so-called “magic queendom” to re-make ESPN…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | March 8, 2022
In a move akin to the old Soviet Empire meeting Monty Python absurdity, the federal government has launched $2.1 million in taxpayer money to “root…
Gabriel Hays | March 3, 2022
Time Magazine has just published its latest “Women of the Year” edition and, true to form, it is subjecting audiences to reading about women who are…
Gabriel Hays | March 2, 2022
Sure, you want to honor “women’s history month” but you’re so woke that your version of this social justice initiative goes beyond honoring women to…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 26, 2021
If you thought The Salvation Army was one of the few charitable organizations that stuck to its Christian tenets… If you thought that your donation…
Gabriel Hays | November 11, 2021
Hollywood actor Christ Pratt knows exactly how to deal with depression and toxic internet culture. The Guardians of The Galaxy leading man insists…
Gabriel Hays | November 8, 2021
Yet another overhyped, overproduced and overly expensive Marvel superhero movie is hitting theaters, and not only does that mean we get another…
Gabriel Hays | October 20, 2021
Live by the woke, die by the woke. When you spend years writing novels about a fictional right wing authoritarian nightmare in America that…
Gabriel Hays | October 19, 2021
If there’s one thing an overly-expensive toy company should do to sell their product, it’s most definitely to promote progressive gender politics…
Nick Kangadis | August 23, 2021
You know, it’s so great that people don’t have to be subjected to a president and his “mean tweets.” Otherwise, we’d never have had the pleasure of…
Gabriel Hays | August 18, 2021
The galaxy far far away seems as ripe for woke revising as our own society. After beating the Star Wars series to hell with progressive themes like…
Gabriel Hays | August 9, 2021
Going by the media coverage, it may seem like the 2021 Tokyo Olympics is all about the Megan Rapinoes, trans weightlifters, and non-binary gymnasts.…