
Brittany M. Hughes | March 22, 2019
Encouraging passengers to “fly how you identify,” United Airlines just became the first airline company to add a third gender option for its…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 20, 2019
It turns out the massive rise in fatal teen stabbings across the United Kingdom aren’t enough to keep British police busy. Now, they’re going after a…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 4, 2019
Got little kids in public school? Live in Arlington, Virginia? Odds are, you don't. But even if you don’t happen to have children in Jaim Foster’s…
Eric Scheiner | February 26, 2019
LGBTQ activist Nikki Joly has been charged with arson and animal killing after a 2017 fire at the activist's home killed 5 pets. The FBI initially…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 25, 2019
Two transgender women took first and second place this year in Connecticut’s indoor track-and-field championship this weekend – and by “transgender…
Nick Kangadis | January 7, 2019
If a t-shirt of a literal definition of a normally benign word offends you and wounds your delicate sensibilities to the point you have to "taddle"…
Ferlon Webster Jr. | January 4, 2019
How many gender pronouns are there? Um, who knows? Oh wait, I know! There are TWO gender pronouns, just plan ol’ two. But many colleges and the…
Eric Scheiner | January 2, 2019
Join MRCTV's Eric Scheiner and Brittany Hughes as they discuss the partial government shutdown, Trump standing firm on wall funding, why Mitt Romney…
Nick Kangadis | December 17, 2018
Someone in the U.K. might want to conduct a psych evaluation of whoever is in charge of putting forth a curriculum for grade schoolers. The phrase “…
Eric Scheiner | December 12, 2018
Brittany Hughes and Eric Scheiner discuss President Trump's public debate on a border wall with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, Google's CEO…
Ferlon Webster Jr. | December 10, 2018
Last Thursday, a Virginia High School teacher was fired for not using the preferred gender pronouns of a female student who believed she was a male…
Brittany M. Hughes | December 6, 2018
Confused by women who think they’re men, or men who think they're women? Disturbed by stories of biological males walloping girls in their own sports…