Social Justice

ashley.rae | May 12, 2017
The University of Arizona is hiring “Social Justice Advocates” to turn residence halls into social justice learning facilities where any “bias…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | May 8, 2017
Despite recent allegations of sexual abuse of male minors, Seattle Mayor Ed Murray is charging on “for the people”. This time, the hardcore leftist…
ashley.rae | December 19, 2016
Do you have a few hundred dollars to spare to send your kids away for a few days so they can learn all about the evils of white privilege through…
Jeffdunetz | March 11, 2016
Student activists at Western Washington University, a public university in Bellingham, Washington, have presented a list of demands that go much…
ashley.rae | December 28, 2015
Planned Parenthood has advice for “male allies” so they can properly check their privilege. A tweet from Planned Parenthood Action’s Twitter on Dec…
ashley.rae | December 9, 2015
It appears social justice education at public universities is nothing new. The Communications Department at the California State University, San…
ashley.rae | December 1, 2015
Students at the prestigious Ivy League Columbia University can enroll in a course for the Spring 2016 term dedicated to the premise that “racial…
danjoseph | October 24, 2011
Friday morning, at the Occupy Wall Street Rally in Zuccotti Park, MRCTV came across a couple of young women representing the Muslim group CAIR (…
MRCTVone | May 4, 2011
It used to be known as La Raza Studies. Mexican-American Studies as it is taught in the Tucson Unified School District is not your average "…
Stephen Gutowski | January 25, 2011
Van Jones is the gift that just keeps on giving. The Van Joneses, Ezra Kleins, and other all too honest liberals just can't help but completely…
Stephen Gutowski | September 14, 2010
If we are going to build a grassroots media what we need are foot soldiers. We need a conservative citizen journalist class. We need people who are…