Sean Spicer

ashley.rae | March 23, 2017
In light of a new CNN report that alleges U.S. officials have information that shows President Trump colluded with “suspected Russian operatives”…
Craig Millward | March 16, 2017
Monica Sanchez | March 13, 2017
(Image via Twitter) White House spokesman Sean Spicer in a press briefing on Monday got into it with a reporter over President Trump’s wiretapping…
ashley.rae | March 13, 2017
A feminist internet activist harangued White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer inside an Apple Store in Washington, D.C. on Saturday to ask what it…
ashley.rae | March 10, 2017
During the presidential campaign, Trump repeatedly criticized what he saw as “phony” jobs reports. But now that he’s president, Trump appears to…
Craig Millward | March 9, 2017
Monica Sanchez | February 27, 2017
(Image via Twitter) During Monday’s White House press briefing, spokesman Sean Spicer addressed Calif. Rep. Darrell Issa’s call for a special…
Monica Sanchez | February 26, 2017
(Image via Screenshot) White House press secretary Sean Spicer in an interview with Fox News’ Judge Jeanine over the weekend discussed the newly…
Craig Millward | February 23, 2017
Craig Millward | February 22, 2017
Monica Sanchez | February 21, 2017
(Image via Twitter) White House press secretary Sean Spicer on Tuesday defended President Trump in his ongoing battle with the media. When asked…
Monica Sanchez | February 21, 2017
(Image via Screenshot) During Tuesday’s White House press briefing, spokesman Sean Spicer addressed the new Department of Homeland Security (DHS)…