President Trump

Patrick Hauf | July 2, 2018
President Donald Trump’s longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen gave his first interview since his house was raided by the FBI a few months ago in…
Monica Sanchez | June 29, 2018
In the wake of the shooting at the Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis, Md., that left five people dead and others injured, President Trump at the…
Patrick Hauf | June 29, 2018
Members of the media immediately began blaming President Trump and his supporters for the deadly shooting at a local newspaper building in Annapolis…
Patrick Hauf | June 28, 2018
The first summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin will officially take place on July 16 in Helsinki, Finland…
Nick Kangadis | June 28, 2018
Leave it to the radical Left - yes, I'm talking about you too, Maxine Waters - to make being civil toward your fellow man a personality fault. By…
Nick Kangadis | June 27, 2018
It appears that a swing-vote on the U.S. Supreme Court could be lean more conservative in the near future. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy…
Nick Kangadis | June 26, 2018
How do you combat the fascistic Left who have recently ramped up their defamation of all people who disagree with them as Nazis? You fight fire with…
Nick Kangadis | June 26, 2018
You don’t have to be a fan of President Trump to recognize the levity the man puts forth during some of his speeches. But — if you’re all aboard the…
Caleb Tolin | June 26, 2018
That Congressional intern who yelled “Mr. President, f**k you!’ to President Trump in the Capitol last week has been identified and the punishment…
Patrick Hauf | June 25, 2018
Sen. Bernie Sanders, the longest serving independent in congressional history, ironically confused President Trump and former President Obama while…
Nick Kangadis | June 22, 2018
As much as the Left likes to claim that "the children are our future," the new TIME magazine cover just goes to show that Leftists don't really…
Nick Kangadis | June 21, 2018
There are most definitely some sick people in the world. But, they're usually not the people that the media tells you they are. Often, it's the…