
Barbara Boland | March 18, 2015
Criticism of the Obama administration's dealings with Iran is widespread across Arab media these days. And, Obama's popularity with the Arab public…
Brad Fox | March 16, 2015
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) had an unexpcted need for rietierationhis from an unlikely source, way while speaking at an event in New Hampshire. Cruz…
Barbara Boland | March 11, 2015
The President says, ‘Oh I got a pen and a phone,  I’m gonna do what I want’ “I’m not particularly happy with being lectured by the administration…
Eric Scheiner | March 10, 2015
Cruz: ‘Cannot Defeat Radical Islam Terrorist’ With Administration ‘Unwilling to Utter the Words’   See More at: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/…
Corwin Parks | March 8, 2015
President Obama made an appearance on CBS Sunday Morning with Charles Osgood where he was primarily on to talk about Selma, however, he also …
Brad Fox | March 8, 2015
Obama revealed that he heard about Hillary Clinton's use of a private e-mail server to conduct official state department business, "the same time as…
Barbara Boland | March 5, 2015
Most Americans believe the government of President Barack Obama has helped the rich, and believe it’s done “little or nothing to help” the poor or…
Barbara Boland | March 3, 2015
An MRCTV exclusive report Obama is called a friend to terrorists in an Iraqi comedy, Egyptian pop song, and Saudi op-ed. "President Obama" calls…
Barbara Boland | March 2, 2015
The fight against ISIS “has to be unified” and bring “Muslims, Christians, and other religions” together in “a third World War by other means,” said…
Craig Bannister | February 27, 2015
Pres. Obama commemorated “the third anniversary of Trayvon Martin’s death” – but, not before recalling a bloody story of a race-related shooting – at…
Craig Bannister | February 26, 2015
Pres. Obama is daring Republicans to vote on whether or not his executive actions are legal. Discussing opposition to his executive amnesty orders…
Barbara Boland | February 25, 2015
“We’re not going to eradicate or annihilate ISIL,” said Gen. John Allen today at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee today. Gen. Allen is Obama’s…