Joe Biden

Nick Kangadis | January 27, 2021
According to a new report, it looks like President Joe Biden will up his promise to grant amnesty to 11 million illegal aliens. According to a…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | January 27, 2021
Despite the quote often being misattributed to Albert Einstein, the validity of the aphorism, “insanity is doing the same thing over and over and…
Nick Kangadis | January 27, 2021
It’s not really clear what people were expecting in terms of transparency within the new Biden administration. But if we go by the “expertise” of…
Connor Grant | January 26, 2021
Since his inauguration less than one week ago, President Biden has signed a record high 33 “executive orders, actions, proclamations, memoranda and…
Nick Kangadis | January 26, 2021
We’re officially living in a country run by people using the same logic as an 8-year-old. Although, to be fair to 8-year-olds, they occasionally get…
Brittany M. Hughes | January 26, 2021
President Joe Biden is unveiling his grand plan for defeating the coronavirus and so far, it looks exactly like President Trump’s – including…
Nicholas Fondacaro | January 25, 2021
***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters*** They were his attack dogs during the campaign, but now that he was…
Sergie Daez | January 25, 2021
Award ceremonies are supposed to be joyous occasions. So why do leftist celebrities always have to use them as political soap boxes?  Instead of…
Nick Kangadis | January 25, 2021
A very familiar name to conservatives and supporters of former president Donald Trump is apparently going to be running for office, but not just any…
Sergie Daez | January 25, 2021
The news outlets can’t get over their excitement of seeing a "practicing Catholic" in the White House. The New York Times gushed over President Joe…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | January 25, 2021
As expected, Joe Biden wasn’t satisfied with a mere Christ-mocking dozen Executive Orders on his first day in office. On January 21, day two of his…