
Haika Mrema | May 31, 2023
More than thirty thousand dollars has been raised for an elderly pro-life activist who was brutally attacked outside Planned Parenthood Supporters…
Nick Kangadis | February 7, 2022
The establishment powers-that-be are getting mighty scared about the current “Freedom Convoy” making its way across Canada, along with those already…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | June 7, 2021
Once again, Matt Walsh and The Daily Wire show how well they can expose leftist hypocrisy and the falsity of “care” through the force of government…
Alex Hall | April 16, 2021
Liberals corrupted social media and then told conservatives to build their own platforms, but now conservatives may wish to build their own…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 5, 2020
If a bright spot can be found in the mess we're all collectively stewing in, a GoFundMe set up for the the family of Roderick Reynolds, a…
Nick Kangadis | August 22, 2019
(Headline Image: Multnomah County Sheriff's Office) The communists in the domestic terrorist group Antifa are no strangers to propaganda, so it…
Nick Kangadis | July 30, 2019
There’s no substitute for good parenting when raising a child into a productive, rational member of society. One Denver mother is, and should be,…
Nick Kangadis | July 1, 2019
(Writer's Note: I don't typically like to use someone's sexual identity as political ammunition, but it's an attempt to prove a point that the…
Eric Schaffer | June 27, 2019
In a development that should surprise absolutely no one, someone set up a GoFundMe page to support the restaurant worker who allegedly spit on Eric…
Nick Kangadis | December 21, 2018
Ugh. Just ugh. Can’t the Left come up with an idea without piggy backing off an organic idea by their political counterparts? Come on, man! I thought…
Brittany M. Hughes | October 31, 2018
Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh has reportedly turned down more than $600,000 in donationsraised for him through crowdfunding efforts, citing “…
Brittany M. Hughes | September 21, 2018
A GoFundMe page set up for Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who’s accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her in…