
Eric Scheiner | October 10, 2017
CNN’s Van Jones says that he’s on a “crusade against crazy” with his new book Beyond The Messy Truth. “I’m sick of the crazy. I’m on a crusade…
Eric Scheiner | September 29, 2017
It’s wacky moments of liberal expression - a look at the wackiest moments from the liberal media this week. This week features: Stephen…
Maureen Collins | July 28, 2017
Dogs, hold onto your kibbles and bits.  Molly is a two-year-old Jack Russell Terrier who is also transgender. Yes, you read that right: a…
Ben Graham | February 23, 2016
An unsuspecting man in Dawsonville, Ga. was drugged by a fellow Waffle House employee while he was outside on a break.  Sonsorea Dawn Evans, 43,…
Ben Graham | February 12, 2016
The team behind “On The Roofs” is at it again with another daring climb to the top of a Chinese skyscraper. Vitaliy Raskalov, 23, is joined with…
Ben Graham | September 29, 2015
Extreme sportsman Graham Dickinson proves himself to be a skilled and fearless flyer when in his wingsuit. You can almost imagine the adrenaline in…
mrctvstaff | December 15, 2014
    This is the craziest bungee jump we have ever seen. This jump was 70 meters and just above the Zambezi River and near the Victoria waterfalls…
Stephen Gutowski | May 9, 2011
The crazy radio host is back with her latest insanity. This time she's complaining about how we killed Osama Bin Laden. Aparently that makes us "…
Stephen Gutowski | December 7, 2010
As Ace points out this really is a case of life imitating Seinfeld. Then again this woman is a little crazier than George Castanza ever was... I'm…
Ken Shepherd | November 3, 2010
Dylan Ratigan on the difference between him and Tea Party voters: "The Tea Partier burns themselves in the town square and then tries to burn the…
Stephen Gutowski | November 2, 2010
Here is a hilarious little video to cut the tension until the election results start coming in. This is basically exactly what I would imagine would…
Stephen Gutowski | October 15, 2010
For a lighter post this Friday I present you with an awesome viral video whose authenticity is in question: So the question is... real or fake? and…