
Ferlon Webster Jr. | October 2, 2019
Former attorney general Eric Holder said while he’s certain Democrats will win the next election, he also knows Republicans will “cheat” to secure…
Nick Kangadis | August 15, 2019
Between art and golf, I’m not sure which is giving former president Bill Clinton a more difficult time in the last couple of days. Either way,…
melanie.hunter | November 2, 2016
At a campaign rally in Eau Claire, Wis., Tuesday GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump pointed to a double standard in the mainstream media reporting…
patrick.goodenough | April 28, 2015
Indiana Republican Sen. Dan Coats on Tuesday portrayed President Obama as being desperate for a nuclear deal with Tehran, and scorned his assurances…
Corwin Parks | February 11, 2015
  There is major news coming out of Little League Baseball: the 2014 Little League World Series Champion Jackie Robinson West has been forced to “…
rainey019 | July 12, 2011
The Atlanta School District is in the process of hiring new teachers and administrators for the upcoming school year. 178 employees of the district…
musicana5 | June 19, 2011
This song is dedicated to all the corrupt politicians who lie, cheat & steal.  They are the true monsters.
DannyG | November 21, 2008
Kids who want to learn how to cheat rather than learn something useful won't get any help here. But they can always go to YouTube, where standards…