Bernie Sanders

Nick Kangadis | July 26, 2018
Those on the far-left crave attention. They act like petulant children all in an effort to garner some kind of sympathy or empathy from people that…
Eric Scheiner | June 26, 2018
  Symone Sanders, Former Bernie Sanders for President Spokesperson, claims that the White House Press Secretary thinks she’s “Rosa Parks” and “…
Patrick Hauf | June 25, 2018
Sen. Bernie Sanders, the longest serving independent in congressional history, ironically confused President Trump and former President Obama while…
Caleb Tolin | June 12, 2018
In an interview with CNN this week, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders claimed that "real wages," which are adjusted for inflation, aren’t rising. “Do you…
Nick Kangadis | June 6, 2018
File this one under the “things we didn’t expect” category. The about-to-be former Starbucks Chairman Howard Schultz — the man who also began the…
Nick Kangadis | May 7, 2018
Leave it to one of the biggest blowhards in the Hollywood cult to prove — within a matter of minutes — how completely out of touch he is with reality…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | April 24, 2018
It is with a heavy heart that one reports on the inevitable consequence of collectivism, because, since collectivism is predicated on state…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | April 13, 2018
Remember tales of the Medieval Era, when kings and queens lorded over crushed masses and employed goofy court jesters to entertain them at royal…
Nick Kangadis | February 21, 2018
Will he or won’t he? That seems to be the question on the minds of all the supporters of former “Democratic” Socialist candidate for president Bernie…
Nick Kangadis | January 11, 2018
Remember when liberals were losing their minds over the proposed GOP tax plan that has since gone into effect? They were right! The tax plan is…
Nick Kangadis | December 5, 2017
After paying your taxes, have you ever thought, "Man, this is just like a sexual assault?” Bruce Bartlett, a former policy adviser to late-president…
Nick Kangadis | December 1, 2017
If you’re upset with the “not guilty” verdict in the Kate Steinle murder case in which defendant Jose Ines Garcia Zarate was acquitted of killing the…