A good portion of those in Hollywood live in a bubble. Some just don't know any better because they've resided there since they were children. And…
Let me preface everything I’m about to say by saying that Alec Baldwin is a very good actor — “Glengarry, Glen Ross,” “The Edge,” “The Hunt for Red…
Hey, mush brain. I’ve been critical of the federal government response to Hurricane Helene, or in your words ‘spreading these lies.’ What are you…
Although liberals have been pushing for the need for electric vehicles to placate the climate change agenda, most Americans regret buying electric…
Welcome to the brand new, revamped best kept secret in the conservative movement, Things That Need To Be Said. Depending on your…
Having trouble paying your bills? Worried about how far your next meager paycheck’s gonna go? Frustrated by the rising rices of groceries, utilities…
A new poll found that one in five - one in five - young American adults under the age of 30 has a favorable view of Osama bin Laden, including three…
Perhaps you've found yourself approaching Christmas this year thinking to yourself, "Wow, things have been going really well this year - I've got a…
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed an executive order to charter flights into Israel and bring back stranded American citizens from what’s now a nation…
He’s baaaaaack! Well, at least for a moment now former Fox News host Tucker Carlson posted a video to Twitter with a few thoughts on the powers-that-…
The White House on Tuesday addressed concerns that Mexican cartels responsible for the murder of two kidnapped Americans in Mexico could cross the…
Imagine not too long ago that a statement that probably made sense to most people was taken as violent rhetoric. We would’ve laughed in your face and…