Illegal Immigration

Brittany M. Hughes | March 13, 2018
One Mexican resident who makes a regular habit of sneaking across the U.S.-Mexico border illegally shrugged off Trump’s border wall prototypes at the…
Nick Kangadis | March 13, 2018
Antifa showed up at yet another college campus, and yet again the radical group showed why they’re the real fascists. The pro-Trump group Unite…
Monica Sanchez | March 8, 2018
President Trump on Thursday slammed the Oakland mayor who gave illegal immigrants residing in her community a heads up about raids, calling her…
Monica Sanchez | March 6, 2018
Following the example of so-called “sanctuary state” California, the city of Baltimore plans to allocate taxpayer dollars to create a legal defense…
Monica Sanchez | February 12, 2018
Hilario “Eli” Yanez,” a “Dreamer” who was brought to the U.S. from Mexico as an infant, is calling on Democrats to quit politicizing the debate over…
Eric Scheiner | February 8, 2018
(Photo: Pax Ahimsa Gethen) If Congress can’t reach a DACA deal to keep young, illegal aliens in the country, some say they will leave. That’s the…
Eric Scheiner | February 8, 2018
  After taking federal funds for a decade to assist in securing the border, Pima County’s supervisors voted to reject federal money encouraging…
Nick Kangadis | February 5, 2018
If there were ever an argument to “build the wall,” the collective bevy of American citizens who've been killed by people who were in the U.S.…
Eric Scheiner | February 2, 2018
In this week’s edition of Wacky Moments of Liberal Expression it’s a focus on the State of The Union – and on how the liberal media just couldn’t…
Curtis Houck | January 31, 2018
Check out the full post here over at NewsBusters! On Tuesday night, NBC threw what could be described as a hissy fit following President Trump’s…