
Ken Shepherd | February 6, 2009
George Stephanopoulos turned a statement that Barack Obama made about corrupt Islamic dictatorships and made it into a metaphor on congressional…
JuliaSeymour | February 1, 2009
ABC's Stephanie Sy reported on Feb. 1, 2009 that obesity could be on the rise during the recession because it costs more to eat healthy.
Ken Shepherd | January 26, 2009
A contrast between the opening credits for the January 20, 2005 and 2009 editions of "Good Morning America." The former had special graphics, music…
Ken Shepherd | January 21, 2009
Every single one of the kids featured in this January 21 GMA video montage addressing President Obama spouted boiler plate liberal propaganda and not…
Rich Noyes | January 21, 2009
Journalists were thrilled by Barack Obama's 2009 inauguration. On ABC's World News that night, correspondent Bill Weir enthused: “We know that wind…
Ken Shepherd | January 20, 2009
GMA kicked off its Inauguration Day coverage with an announcer enthusiastically repeating Obama campaign talking points of Barack Obama: "A new face…
Ken Shepherd | January 13, 2009
Barbara Walters telling her co-panelists on the January 13 edition of "The View" that she finds Gov. Sarah Palin's complaints about the liberal media…
Ken Shepherd | January 7, 2009
On Jan. 6, ABC aired a condescending hidden camera news special that purported to probe the hidden racism of Americans and probe the reaction of…
Ken Shepherd | December 19, 2008
Host George Stephanopoulos to former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan on ABC’s This Week, December 16, 2007
PDetrick | December 3, 2008
It turns out the media predictions for Black Friday turned out to be wrong. "The Biz Flog" for Dec. 3 takes a look at how wrong.
nburchfiel | December 3, 2008
Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman told ABC's "Good Morning America" Dec. 2 that the government could spend as much as $10 trillion more in…
nburchfiel | November 21, 2008
ABC's investigative correspondent Brian Ross attacked U.S. automotive CEOs on "Nightline" Nov. 20 over their flying private jets to Washington, D.C…