Brittany M. Hughes
Managing Editor

Brittany is the managing editor of MRCTV and MRC Culture. She hosts the weekly podcast "The Brittany Hughes Show" and previously hosted "Reality Check" on MRCTV. She's a graduate of the College of William and Mary. Before coming to MRCTV, she worked as an investigative reporter for CNS News. Prior to that, she was an education and politics reporter in Danville, Virginia. 

Brittany M. Hughes | June 12, 2020
Protesters who’ve set up their own “autonomous zone” spanning several city blocks in Seattle had to call 911 to put out a literal dumpster fire they’d set in their shantytown. You can’t make this stuff up. Photos and videos began circulating on Thursday night of a literal dumpster fire – not just the metaphorical one that pretty well describes...well, Seattle – was started just outside the “…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 11, 2020
Mobs of protesters have overrun an entire section of Seattle and essentially declared themselves independent from the rest of the country, setting up their own perimeter, establishing their own "law enforcement" and harassing residents and businesses unlucky enough to be caught up in the fray. And apparently, Washington State Gov. Jay Inslee doesn't know anything about it. Or, at least, so he…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 11, 2020
People getting hurt isn’t funny. That being said, here’s a story that is definitely not at all hilarious and does not, in any way, prove that if you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. Not in the least. It turns out a protester was critically injured in Portsmouth, Virginia, on Wednesday night as he and a mob of fellow vandals toppled a Confederate statue, just the latest in a nationwide…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 11, 2020
Retail stores don’t like shoplifting.  That’s not exactly a groundbreaking statement, granted. But since we live in a world where up is now down, where right is wrong and where political correctness trumps basic facts, we’ll start with that. At some retail stores, like Walmart, items that have a history of being routinely nicked from the shelves are often put behind protective cases to keep…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 10, 2020
The “Free Capitol Hill” movement has reportedly taken over several city blocks, using old police barricades and various debris to cordon off a portion of the city and establish what can only be described as some sort of hippie commune they call the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone." Of course, what most of the past week's protesters, rioters, looters and general obstructionists want has by and…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 10, 2020
While lawmakers and government officials in Virginia debate over the removal of several Confederate statues from the state capital of Richmond, vandals just took aim at another “offensive” monument: a statue of Italian explorer Christopher Columbus. The Columbus statue, which has stood in Byrd Park since 1927, was spray painted and lit on fire before being yanked down from its defaced pedestal…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 10, 2020
It’s not enough to take down the Confederate monuments and rename the streets – now, we have to erase anything that even remotely references the South, the Civil War, or racial inequality. Welcome to the book burning, ladies and gentlemen. Latest in line is HBO Max, which has nixed the iconic film “Gone With the Wind” from its streaming lineup amid nationwide protests over racism and police…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 10, 2020
The legendary law enforcement show Cops has been canceled after more than 30 seasons following the widespread anti-cop sentiment that’s spread across the nation following the death of a black man at the hands of a white Minneapolis police officer. The Hollywood Reporter reports Paramount Network pulled the popular show from the air and is dropping it from their schedule “for good.” "Cops is not…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 9, 2020
Not only was this White House's decision to clear a mob of protesters in D.C.'s Lafayette Park ahead of Trump's visit to St. John's Episcopal Church last week a bad optical move, it now ranks as "one of the most violent scenes ever caught on camera." At least, that's according to the folks over at the Washington Post, who've decided to move from hyperbole to straight-up lying. “A week ago this…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 9, 2020
According to a new poll by the Media Research Center, a full 60 percent of likely voters – including nearly half of liberals – believe some members of the media would like to see the shutdown drag on so that it hurts President Trump's chances of reelection in November. The poll, conducted with McLaughlin & Associates, found 85 percent of conservatives and, perhaps even more surprisingly, 41…