
Joe Schoffstall | May 27, 2010
You would think illegal immigrants would act out of caution and rationality in fear of being caught. Well, it appears this past week they tossed that…
Joe Schoffstall | May 26, 2010
President Obama’s nominee to the United States Second Circuit Court of Appeals, Judge Robert N. Chatigny, has quite the judicial record. He saved…
Joe Schoffstall | May 26, 2010
Even though the state of California is in horrific economic shape and slipping even further in the wrong direction, they seem to be leading the…
Stephen Gutowski | May 25, 2010
Remember when Bertha Lewis was out there telling the young democratic socialists that they needed to "get out in the streets" and "circle the wagons…
Joe Schoffstall | May 25, 2010
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), a ranking member on the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, said the supposed White House bribery deal…
Joe Schoffstall | May 24, 2010
The Canadian government is being accused of monitoring political Web sites in an attempt to correct what they call ‘misinformation’, according to…
Joe Schoffstall | May 24, 2010
On May 6, Vice President Joe Biden addressed the European Parliament in Brussels in which he encouraged the EU to support Washington’s global agenda…
Stephen Gutowski | May 21, 2010
The final showdown.
Joe Schoffstall | May 21, 2010
Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) compared the Republican party to Al-Qaeda during a recent interview set to be aired this weekend on Channel 9 in Florida…
Stephen Gutowski | May 21, 2010
Yes Chris Christie is back. Last time around I compared him to Moses, which still holds, but this time he seems a whole lot more like a super hero.…
Joe Schoffstall | May 20, 2010
Right after we came across the story of an illegal immigrant accused of rape, who ironically has been deported on 4 separate occasions from the U.S…
Joe Schoffstall | May 20, 2010
On Sunday night, after hearing a woman's cry for help, a passerby came rushing over and found a man raping a woman in the bushes near Edmond's…
Joe Schoffstall | May 19, 2010
In Mississippi last month, a group of 300 people gathered to assist in clean up after a tornado ripped it's way through. As the volunteers were in…
Joe Schoffstall | May 18, 2010
Surprise, surprise - yet again another case of indoctrination within the classroom. On May 11 Celeste Finkenbine, a high school student at Missouri'…
admin | May 18, 2010
This is a guest post by Eyeblast Tv's friend Nick D'Orazio of To see Bullet People's videos visit their channel on Eyeblast. When…
Stephen Gutowski | May 18, 2010
Ohhhh the Onion. Hilarious. The only part of this satire I find unbelievable is how benign Google is in what they do with your phone data... in…
Stephen Gutowski | May 14, 2010
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is a man who simply isn't going to put up with an asinine media double standard for long. Case and point: Bold.…
Joe Schoffstall | May 14, 2010
The environmental movement has been chugging full steam ahead within the past couple of months, releasing new campaign after campaign. An…
Stephen Gutowski | May 14, 2010
In a new video discovered by Naked Emperor News Elena Kagan, President Obama's supreme court nominee, seems to joke that she doesn't have enough…