Brittany M. Hughes
Managing Editor

Brittany is the managing editor of MRCTV and MRC Culture. She hosts the weekly podcast "The Brittany Hughes Show" and previously hosted "Reality Check" on MRCTV. She's a graduate of the College of William and Mary. Before coming to MRCTV, she worked as an investigative reporter for CNS News. Prior to that, she was an education and politics reporter in Danville, Virginia. 

Brittany M. Hughes | November 22, 2017
Teen Vogue writer and world’s most bitter shrew Emily Lindin found herself being summarily raked over the virtual coals Tuesday after posting that she is fine with innocent men getting fired for being falsely accused of sexual harassment. If you’ve got a few thousand brain cells you’re willing to sacrifice by reading this, here are two excerpts from Lindin’s ridiculous tweetstorm.  …
Brittany M. Hughes | November 21, 2017
The New York Times ran an opinion column Tuesday claiming that Charles Manson – the now deceased infamous cult leader who orchestrated the gruesome deaths of nine people in Los Angeles back in 1969 – wasn’t so much a warped product of his times as he was a crazy right-winger. Because nothing says “conservative” quite like establishing your own cult, having rampant orgies on a secluded ranch,…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 20, 2017
Immigration officials have confirmed the border agent who died Sunday morning after being attacked while on duty with his partner was killed with rocks. Agent Rogelio Martinez, 36, died Sunday at a local area hospital after he and his partner were assaulted responding to “activity” at their Texas sector of the Southwest U.S. border. UPDATE: Officials with the National Border Patrol Council…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 20, 2017
Reports of assaults against border agents are up nearly 50 percent over last year, skyrocketing from 486 in FY2016 to a stunning 720 in FY2017, according to U.S. Customs and Border Patrol. Those totals don’t even count the month of September, which has yet to be reported. In fact, the number of assaults against border agents in FY2017 hit a record high over at least the last six years. In…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 17, 2017
Apparently, it is perfectly okay to sexually assault women and be allowed to keep your job – if you’re a Democrat. Or at least, that’s the way it seems for The Nation, a national media platform with more than 1.2 million followers on Twitter. In fact, here are two separate headlines on The Nation’s website, posted within days of one another. One screams foul over allegations against Alabama…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 17, 2017
A Georgia school is apologizing for asking a middle school student to remove his shirt sporting a "Fake News Network” CNN logo after the boy’s parents took to social media to voice their complains. Peachtree Charter Middle School student Jaxson Jester had shown up wearing the shirt for a school tour of CNN’s headquarters in Atlanta, only to be told by a teacher that he had to change because the…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 16, 2017
In this brave new world in which sexual abuse is bordering on trendy, can we maybe start discussing our morality problem, now? We started throwing condoms at our fifth graders, and now we marvel at why there are so many little sex-crazed perverts running around. We taught future generations that sex and people are cheap, and now wonder why they don’t value either. We normalize porn and parade…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 15, 2017
NBC – which is still a national major media outlet, mind you – ran the following headline written by a guy named Travis Rieder, who, according to his byline, is the director of the Master of Bioethics degree program and a research scholar at the Berman Institute of Bioethics. The headline reads: "Science proves kids are bad for Earth. Morality suggests we stop having them." On a base level, the…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 15, 2017
If you’re depressed looking at your own Visa bill these days, just consider this: altogether, American households owe roughly a combined $13 trillion in debt. Now, of course that includes all mortgages on houses, car loans and college debt, but still -- $13 trillion. According to MarketWatch, that’s a whopping $116 billion more than the total combined debt just three months ago. Yahoo! News…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 14, 2017
It’s taken two years, multiple undercover exposés, a few anti-First Amendment lawsuits and a whole lot of congressional arm-twisting, but the FBI may finally be launching a criminal investigation into abortion giant Planned Parenthood. Key words here: “may be.” Because apparently, catching multiple Planned Parenthood executives on tape laughing about the illegal sale of body parts harvested from…