Brad Wilmouth
bradwilmouth | August 4, 2019
Cross-posted at the MRC's NewsBusters blog The past couple of weeks have brought the latest example of liberal news outfits like CNN and MSNBC suddenly taking notice of a recurring problem in immigration enforcement under President Donald Trump's administration which also happened in past administrations, including that of Barack Obama. A number of shows pounced on the story of natural-born…
bradwilmouth | August 1, 2019
On Thursday's New Day on CNN, as Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bennet appeared as a guest to discuss his debate performance, co-host John Berman misleadingly claimed that President Donald Trump had "falsely" claimed that he ended family separations at the border. But, in fact, the zero-tolerance policy from last year that prosecuted all migrants who entered the country illegally was…
bradwilmouth | July 31, 2019
Cross posted at the MRC's NewsBusters blog On Wednesday's New Day show, during a panel discussion of the previous night's Democratic presidential debate, CNN political analyst April Ryan gushed over candidate Marianne Williamson because she brought up the issue of the U.S. government making reparations for slavery. At 7:22 a.m. Eastern, Ryan -- who is also White House correspondent for American…
bradwilmouth | July 29, 2019
Cross posted at the MRC's NewsBusters blog Appearing as a guest on New Day Sunday, liberal CNN contributor Joe Lockhart claimed that anyone who votes for President Donald Trump in 2020 is a "racist" no matter what their reasons are for doing so. His comments came during a discussion of President Trump attacking Maryland Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings over the poor conditions that exist…
bradwilmouth | July 26, 2019
Cross posted at the MRC's NewsBusters blog On Thursday's Cuomo Primetime, members of an all-liberal panel including host Chris Cuomo, CNN contributor Jennifer Granholm, and frequent guest Michael Eric Dyson, demonstrated that they are so far within the liberal bubble that they do not perceive that President Donald Trump has been "berated" constantly in the media for the past four years ever…
bradwilmouth | July 25, 2019
Cross posted on the MRC's NewsBusters blog On Thursday's New Day, CNN was again misleading its viewers on the issue of illegal immigrants being separated from their children by Border Patrol as host Alisyn Camerota hinted that the Trump administration was lying about ending its zero tolerance program that for about six weeks last year resulted in more children being separated from their parents…