Alicia Powe | February 27, 2012
Rep. Kathy Hochul (D-NY) was asked Saturday during a meeting with her NY-26 constituents about the constitutionality of the HHS mandate on contraception, sterilization, and abortifacients and admitted, “Well, basically, we’re not looking to the Constitution on that aspect of it."Hochul tried arguing that Congress has decided that people should get access to free health care and that’s the end of…
Alicia Powe | February 27, 2012
The Reverend Jesse Jackson said President Obama should be honored to be the 'food stamp president' be  because food stamps 'feed the poor.'He then asked for a round of applause for President Obama.(Newt Gingrich was called 'racist' for saying Obama is a 'food stamp' president.)
Alicia Powe | February 27, 2012
Minister Louis Farrakhan warned followers of the Nation of Islam on Sunday in Chicago that racial hatred could lead to attempts to assassinate President Barack Obama."I believe they want a Muslim to kill President Obama," Farrakhan said. He then suggested an assassination plot against Obama might involve a "patsy," a person set up to take the blame for a broader conspiracy.Farrakhan…
Alicia Powe | February 27, 2012
Former Attorney General Ed Meese says the U.S. House of Representatives should pass a resolution condemning President Barack Obama  for acting unconstitutionally in appointing a director to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and three members to the National Labor Relations Board without Senate confirmation and when Congress was still in session.
Alicia Powe | February 27, 2012
 The Media Research Center asked MSNBC's Chris Matthews last night at a panel to explain his previous comments about the Catholic Church. Matthews said, “If you’re really anti-gay, you become a Catholic now.” Matthews visibly frustrated at the reporter for calling him out  then tried to rectify his comments,  "I’m saying that some people who are bigoted against gay people have changed religions." 
Alicia Powe | February 24, 2012
 Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) took to the Senate floor last Friday after Senate Republicans refused to allow the Senate to move forward with a vote on 90 pending nominees to federal positions.Reid said drastic action might be necessary to meet this obstructionist force with equal force and "that the president did the minimal with his recess appointments — the minimal.""If something…
Alicia Powe | February 24, 2012
   Rev. Jesse Jackson claims  the implementation of voter photo-I-D laws is suppression at the ballot box designed to influence the outcome of this year's Presidential race."There is a renewed effort to undermine racial justice which was achieved through equality and to a New South," said Jackson. "To move racial justice and workers' rights from the agenda it must not be allowed to happen.""While…
Alicia Powe | February 24, 2012
  Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.),  former chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, danced up a storm in front of his Harlem constituents during a 2010 campaign rally.Rangel, who was first elected in 1970 and is currently seeking another term in his seat, danced to the McFadden and Whitehead song "Ain't No Stopping Us Now."Rangel appears to be dancing with New York City Councilwoman Inez…
Alicia Powe | February 24, 2012
President Barack Obama said Republicans are “licking their chops” over rising gas prices  and 'root for bad news'  during an address on Thursday, “You can bet that, since it’s an election year, they’re already dusting off their three-point plan for two dollar gas," he said. " And I'll save you the suspense:Step one is to drill and step two is to drill. And then step three is to keep drilling.”   
Alicia Powe | February 23, 2012
Eurozone finance ministers agreed to a $172 billion rescue for Greece on Tuesday, after 13 hours of talks, to avoid an imminent bankruptcy after forcing Athens to commit to unpopular cuts and private bondholders to take bigger losses. Finance ministers finalized measures to cut Athens' debt to 120.5 percent of gross domestic product by 2020, securing a second rescue in less than two years in…