Alicia Powe | March 5, 2012
Former President Jimmy Carter praised the Occupy movement  at an event at Duke University event on Wednesday saying Occupy organizers have created a "relatively successful" movement because they focused national discussion on wealth disparity despite a unifying set of goals.The occupy protestors have succeeded in forcing the media and Congress to realize the "chasm is getting greater than leaps…
Alicia Powe | March 5, 2012
This is a trailer for the the soon-to-be-released motion picture titled 'Hating Breitbart' which is due out this year.The filmmakers  followed Andrew Breitbart since the birth of the Tea Party movement in 2009, and they've got behind-the-scenes access to many of the media controversies in which Breitbart was a key player--from the ACORN takedown to Congressman Anthony Weiner's crotch-shot Twitter…
Alicia Powe | March 5, 2012
During a conference call briefing Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz accused presidential candidate Mitt Romney of "pandering to the extreme right-wing of his party on the issues that matter to Washington women' and warned that Romney's "anti-women" stance would cost him votes in his campaign for the White House. Wasserman Schultz and representatives from Planned Parenthood and Naral Pro-Choice…
Alicia Powe | March 5, 2012
During Monday’s news updates on Fox Business Network’s Imus In The Morning, host Don Imus expressed fury over Rush Limbaugh‘s weekend apology to Sandra Fluke, calling Limbaugh a “fat, gutless, pill-popping loser.”Imus  pointed out that the apology was done on his website and not in person. “A lame apology on his website, in which he says he didn’t mean to personally attack her,” Imus said, “is…
Alicia Powe | March 5, 2012
 Kirk Cameron  spoke out against gay marriage on Friday's "Piers Morgan Tonight" on CNN calling homosexuality "unnatural" and "ultimately destructive to so many foundations of civilization".
Alicia Powe | March 1, 2012
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid declared Tuesday night  at a Media Matters For America party that he would 'promote' a new book by Media Matters founder David Brock amd Rabin-Havt that continues the organization's attacks against the Fox News Channel. "I looking forward to this book, because if there's anyone who needs to feel good about someone else beating up on Fox, it's me," said Reid. “I…
Alicia Powe | March 1, 2012
Abortion activist Ludwig Gaines made some outrageous allegatoins about the pro-life movement. Zo, host of PJTV, responds to this Planned Parenthood controversy by explaining why and how the Democrats have arrested the development of the Black community.
Alicia Powe | March 1, 2012
"One Percenter" Susan Sarandon spoke before Occupy Wall Street, advising them that they have been unfairly victimized by the mainstream media.
Alicia Powe | February 28, 2012
 Billy Crystal mocked  GOP" presidential candidates as he hosted the Oscars Friday night."A dark knight, an American psycho, a charismatic crack addict. You'll get to choose one on Super Tuesday," said Crystal, and of course the audience laughted hyterically. 
Alicia Powe | February 28, 2012
The price of gas has increased 100 percent since President Obama has taken office.  Bill O'Reilly and Bernie Goldberg discuss  Business and Media Institute's  study of how the media covered the rise of gas prices when Bush was president compared to the Obama presidency.The three networks broadcasted four times as many stories about gas prices rising when Bush was president compared to when Obama…