danjoseph | October 24, 2011
Friday morning, at the Occupy Wall Street Rally in Zuccotti Park, MRCTV came across a couple of young women representing the Muslim group CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations).Their presence was no surprise considering that all OWS really is, is a stage from which liberals can promote their pet causes under the guise of a unified movement.When we asked the young ladies why they had come to…
danjoseph | October 18, 2011
Yellow tape can't stop this Occupy Portland participant from desecrating a memorial to American soldiers with his terrible hippie dancing.  But when you don't believe in God, I guess there's not much stopping you.
danjoseph | October 18, 2011
At Occupy Wall Street the utopia they dream of apparently does not have supermarkets.  In this utopia, they have sustinance delivered to them while they slave away on the streets in their continuing efforts to bring down the system.
danjoseph | October 17, 2011
High Priest of th uber-left, Noam Chomsky, sympathizes with the Occupy Wall Street movement.  No surprise there.  It doesn't take long for Chomsky to go off the rails by comparing New York to Sub-Saharan Africa.
danjoseph | October 13, 2011
Is nominating a former Pizza CEO who's never held political office to go up against an incumbent president, a good idea? 
danjoseph | October 12, 2011
Anytime you go to a liberal rally you're pretty much guaranteed to see at least one person wearing a t-shirt that displays the iconic face of Che Guevara. Guevara was a Cuban revolutionary who helped Fidel Castro bring communism to Cuba.  Of course the great irony of this is that his image is now heavily exploited by all those wanting to turn a fast buck selling 'revolutionary' chic. Many of  the…
danjoseph | October 12, 2011
These protesters have a pretty good idea of who they hate.  Rich people.  But when it comes to religious philosophy they are a bit more deliberative.So while Wall Street executives are almost certainly worse than the murderous Che Guevara, you really have to weigh the "pros" and "cons" carefully when comparing the 9/11 hijackers to Pat Robertson.Moral equivalency is a wonderful thing.  Because…
danjoseph | October 12, 2011
Here is the low point for the Occupy Wall Street protests.   Not the best spokesperson. (h/t NRO)
danjoseph | October 12, 2011
Here we have a speaker at Occupy LA longing for the days of the guillotine.  Additionally, it's hard to make out with the poor sound quality of the video and his thick accent, but does he call Ghandi a "tumor?"Stay classy protesters
danjoseph | October 11, 2011
It's been nearly a month now since the first protesters trickled into the streets of New York City and began what is now a nationwide movement demanding......well, we're still really not sure what they want.  And everytime somone asks them to get specific they go off on a rant against generic, faceless entities like "corporations,"  "bankers" and the "1%."  So we decided to ask the Occupy DC…