danjoseph | November 7, 2011
Here's a little inside baseball for all you junkies out there.The Tea Party has never cared for Indiana Senator Dick Lugar.  It would appear that they are on the right track in their efforts to oust him in favor of a more conservative GOP candidate in next fall's senate election.
danjoseph | November 7, 2011
....in San Francisco.The latest from Misfit Politics.
danjoseph | November 4, 2011
As with so many grassroots liberal protest movements over the last 40 years, Occupy Wall Street has been marked by frequent arrests and clashes with the police. For the last week in Oakland, California America watched as that city’s “Occupiers” vandalized buildings and threw various dirigibles at police forces. As if someone sent out a memo to every OWS protester in the nation, most of them…
danjoseph | November 2, 2011
Over the past few weeks, we've seen instances of anti-semitism at Occupy Wall Street Rallies across the nation.  It's unclear how widespred these sentiments are within the movement, but we at MRCTV assumed that if we got the occupiers talking about the subject of Israel and "Zionism," it wouldn't be long before their real feelings on the subject were revealed.We were correct.In this guys defense…
danjoseph | November 1, 2011
Unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers spoke to protesters from Occupy Chicago the other day.  Of course he called the Tea Party "racist" which is a standard weapon in any radical leftist's arsenal at the moment.But, it seems as though we're getting to the point where if you're going to call the Tea Party "racist" you should at least have to admit that Occupy Wall Street is "Anti-semitic." 
danjoseph | October 31, 2011
Yet another liberal showing that he has no understanding of the law of unintended consequences.Just for the record, what if a signifigant number of Americans actually started doing this?  Would the banks just eat the losses?Or would they try to make up the difference somewhere else?Think hard.  Don't hurt yourself.
danjoseph | October 28, 2011
A few months ago, The O'Reilly Factor caught up with hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons who was attending a swanky polo match in the Hamptons.  Last Friday Simmons made his second visit to Zuccotti Park to show his support for the Occupy Wall Street protesters.If you haven't been to Zuccotti Park recently, it is pretty much the antithesis of a polo match in the Hamptons. But, when we asked Simmons if…
danjoseph | October 28, 2011
If you follow American politics closely you’ve probably heard the name Elizabeth Warren bandied about lately. Over the next year or so you’ll be hearing her name a lot more.She’s the likely Democratic nominee in the upcoming effort to unseat Massachusetts Republican Senator Scott Brown and, to be completely honest, she’ll probably beat him. This is Massachusetts we’re talking about here. Obama…
danjoseph | October 25, 2011
Sometimes my job is easy.When interviewing certain groups--like the Occupy Wall Street squatters for example—all I have to do is ask questions like this softball, then shut up and let the individual expose him or herself as a crazy person. Observe:This is the mindset at Occupy Wall Street.In their warped reality, everyday speech by a conservative is just as dangerous as a few thousand Americans…