JuliaSeymour | November 4, 2009
Ford Motor Company returned to profitability after earning nearly $1 billion in profit in the third quarter. The company did managed the turnaround without a federal bailout, but CBS failed to mention that on Nov. 2
JuliaSeymour | October 30, 2009
Christine Romans avidly praised capitalist economics on Oct. 30 in a conversation about Halloween candy.
JuliaSeymour | October 28, 2009
NBC's Chris Matthews attacked insurers on Sept. 6, saying it were up to him he'd regulate them like "public utilities."
JuliaSeymour | October 26, 2009
"Good Morning America" criticized cereal companies for marketing sugary cereals to children on Oct. 26 by highlighting a new Yale study.
JuliaSeymour | October 21, 2009
Rachel Maddow and David Brooks argue the merit of more government stimulus on Oct. 4, 2009.
JuliaSeymour | October 15, 2009
NBC went after Wall Street bonuses again Oct. 15 and even interviewed filmmaker Michael Moore in its hit job on bankers.
JuliaSeymour | October 14, 2009
"Good Morning America" welcomed Sen. Olympia Snowe to its Oct. 14 broadcast, but didn't challenge her claim that 62 percent of bankruptcies are caused by medical debt.
JuliaSeymour | October 12, 2009
CNN's Christine Romans criticized insurance lobbying group AHIP on Oct. 12, 2009 calling their cost estimate "impossible."
JuliaSeymour | October 9, 2009
Obama said on the campaign that he would seek to reform the system of earmarking that goes on in Washington. But CNN's Dana Bash didn't mention those claims in her anti-earmark story Oct. 9, 2009.
JuliaSeymour | October 7, 2009
Time magazine's Joe Klein told "Chris Matthews Show" viewers that identification provisions to stop illegal immigrants from getting health care is "crazy."