JuliaSeymour | May 4, 2009
Erin Burnett told viewers of Morning Joe that the U.S. has higher corporate tax rates than many other countries. May 4, 2009
JuliaSeymour | May 1, 2009
On April 30, Dr. Timothy Johnson told ABC viewers that there is evidence to suggest the swine flu will be less "lethal" than some have feared. He also admitted the media sometimes overreacts to stories like swine flu.
JuliaSeymour | April 30, 2009
"American Morning" co-host John Roberts interviewed an expert on swine flu who predicted this virus would behave much like the 1918 spanish flu.
JuliaSeymour | April 29, 2009
CNN's Larry King joined the media hyping the threat of pandemic swine flu.
JuliaSeymour | April 27, 2009
MasterCard TV spot spot says being environmental makes dad a "better man."
JuliaSeymour | April 22, 2009
CNN's Poppy Harlow told "Newsroom" viewers on April 22, 2009 that the cap and trade bill moving through Congress would raise energy costs, but cited a lowball EPA estimate of $98-140 per year.
JuliaSeymour | April 17, 2009
Author, Huffington Post blogger and WSJ columnist critical of Fox News for "embracing" tea parties and the "lunatic fringe" conservatives. 4/16/2009
JuliaSeymour | April 16, 2009
On April 16, 2009, Seton Motley appeared on Fox & Friends to discuss biased media coverage of the tax day tea party protests of the day before.
JuliaSeymour | April 15, 2009
According to Griff Jenkins of FNC, the scheduled taxpayer tea party at the Treasury Department was prevented by Secret Service. April 15, 2009
JuliaSeymour | April 15, 2009
ABC's Dan Harris reported on the tax day tea parties April 15 and got the White House response. According to them, President Obama is 'unaware' of the protests.