Ken Shepherd | May 20, 2008
The Media Research Center's Brent Bozell said on the May 20 edition of "Fox & Friends" that Michelle Obama should not be "off limits" to media scrutiny. He also addressed Hillary Clinton's complaints about media coverage.
Ken Shepherd | May 19, 2008
Two gems from Joy from the May 19 "The View". The co-host said President Bush had no business giving a speech in Israel; and did you know global warming causes earthquakes?
Ken Shepherd | May 19, 2008
On the May 19 "Good Morning America," ABC's Robin Roberts asked Barack and Michelle Obama if they are "prepared" for ads that criticize the Obamas' comments, including Mrs. Obama's remark about only now being proud of America.
Ken Shepherd | May 19, 2008
CBS's Harry Smith on the May 19 "Early Show" gushed that Sen. James Webb, D-Va., is the "least political person I know" to have run for political office.
Ken Shepherd | May 16, 2008
On May 16, Townhall's Amanda Carpenter discusses whether Michelle Obama may be a liability to Barack Obama's presidential campaign given her negative comments about America and the opportunities Americans have.
Ken Shepherd | May 16, 2008
Previewing the Wii Fit from Nintendo on the May 16 "Today Show," Matt Lauer, Meredith Vieira and Amy Robach engaged in a "Wii-off."
Ken Shepherd | May 16, 2008
On Friday's CBS "Early Show," an entirely one-sided story about the California Supreme Court ruling allowing gay marriage was aired, followed by an entirely one-sided interview of a gay couple by co-host Julie Chen.
Ken Shepherd | May 16, 2008
On May 16, Chris Matthews accused President Bush of "a sucker punch" to Barack Obama because Bush warned against appeasing enemies. Matthews saw that as a cheap shot at Obama's willingness to talk to hostile world leaders.
Ken Shepherd | May 15, 2008
Topics include: Hillary Clinton's scandals; rumors that Chelsea Clinton may run for office; an inaccuracy suit against Wikipedia; The Guardian's coverage of global warming; and Jerry Seinfeld's Web site woes. (Episode 166)
Ken Shepherd | May 15, 2008
Gas theft is a misdemeanor since it costs less than $1000, noted a security expert on the May 12 "Nightline." That prompted reporter John Donvan to quip: "But we may soon be paying more than $1,000 for a tank of gas."