Ken Shepherd | May 7, 2008
ABC's Terry Moran noted Clinton booster James Carville's recent vulgar joke insinuating that Barack Obama lacks testicular fortitude.
Ken Shepherd | May 7, 2008
The May 7 "Fox & Friends" repeated some misreporting on a dozen nuns who supposedly were "barred" from voting in South Bend, Ind., for lack of identification. They could have voted with provisional ballots.
Ken Shepherd | May 6, 2008
"Good Morning America" reporter Nick Watt informed viewers about incestuous Scottish couple Danielle Heaney and Nick Cameron: "[T]heir love is taboo. They're half-brother and sister." Good news: They can always move to France.
Ken Shepherd | May 6, 2008
Topics in today's show: the "recession" that wasn't; the death of the LSD guy; Oprah's ratings after endorsing Obama; and the Supreme Court's ruling on voter-identification laws. (Episode 163)
Ken Shepherd | May 5, 2008
Rosie O'Donnell said on the May 5 "Today Show" that many people have confused Jeremiah Wright's "passion for rage." Obama's former pastor "made sense to me," the former "View" co-host said.
Ken Shepherd | May 5, 2008
The May 2 "NBC Nightly News" delivered a ridiculously shallow story, based on two anecdotes and a couple of advocates, to prove rising prices are forcing the elderly out of their homes and into vans.
Ken Shepherd | May 3, 2008
NBC's Al Roker found it hard to shake the affections of a really adoring fan on the May 2 "Today Show."
Ken Shepherd | May 2, 2008
According to Shipman, "most [U.S.] Catholics" thought 3 years ago that Benedict "might clash with American values." But in her May 2 GMA segment, Shipman appeared shocked at how the Pope was warmly received in the States
Ken Shepherd | May 2, 2008
Topics include: Jimmy Carter negotiating with Hamas; the "virtual" border fence; pot smokers across America uniting; and bomb-sniffing cats -- yes, cats. (Episode 162)
Ken Shepherd | May 2, 2008
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell said on the May 2 "Fox & Friends" that Hillary Clinton scored a victory merely by agreeing to appear in Bill O'Reilly's "No Spin Zone" on Fox.