Ken Shepherd | June 25, 2008
On "Hannity & Colmes," Media Research Center President Brent Bozell cited evidence of the media only reporting bad news from Iraq, pulling reporters as violence declined, and ignoring the criminal exonerations of U.S. soldiers.
Ken Shepherd | June 24, 2008
Topics in this show: the women banned by John McCain's campaign; Barack Obama's broken funding promise; and the Democrats' solution to high oil prices. (Episode 177)
Ken Shepherd | June 23, 2008
Don't you just hate when you have technical difficulties in cueing up nude beach video? Fox News sure does. From the June 23 "Live Desk" at approximately 2 p.m.
Ken Shepherd | June 23, 2008
Promoting his new summer movie "Hancock," actor Will Smith said with Barack Obama running for president, it's the "first time" in five to 10 years that it has been good to be an American while visiting overseas.
Ken Shepherd | June 20, 2008
Topics in this show: The Washington Post's report on Democratic "lying"; the liberals' program encouraging Democrats not to have sex with Republicans; new U.S. flag stamps; and very expensive hamburgers. (Episode 176)
Ken Shepherd | June 19, 2008
In what was, more or less, a puff piece about Michelle Obama on Thursday's "Today" show, Lee Cowan took Obamagasms to new heights when he described Michelle's fashion sense.
Ken Shepherd | June 19, 2008
Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) on the June 18 "Just In," discussing the threat to free speech posed by the possible resurrection of the so-called Fairness Doctrine. Pence wants a House vote on the Broadcast er Freedom Act.
Ken Shepherd | June 17, 2008
Topics: CNN's coverage of the liberal and the radical; Barack Obama's new anti-rumor Web site; 800 rats in an Oregon house; and the band U2 reissues some music.
Ken Shepherd | June 14, 2008
Topics in this week's show: Barack Obama's inexperience; Hugo Chavez's saber-rattling; Danny Glover as president; new research about male and female brains; and a new Sherlock Holmes movie. (Episode 174)
Ken Shepherd | June 13, 2008
CBS's Dave Price accidentally locked himself into a Winnebago right before a live shot from Greensburg, Kansas. From the June 13, 2008 "Early Show" at the 7:30 a.m. half hour.