Tom Hanks

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | May 10, 2023
“Forrest Gump” actor Tom Hanks recently came out in opposition of censoring old books to satisfy modern sensibilities when promoting his upcoming…
Nick Kangadis | August 12, 2021
It doesn’t matter how you feel about vaccines. Funny is funny. And this my friends is funny. Chet Hanks, son of actor Tom Hanks and actress Rita…
Abby Streetman | June 14, 2021
Tom Hanks is a well-meaning liberal. He shares all the obligatory lefty pieties of Hollywood, but he doesn't hate America. Not like, say, an NPR…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | July 2, 2020
As FoxNews reports, three Hollywood titans recently got online to cajole – and slightly shame – others into wearing medical masks when they go into…
Kyle Drennen | January 4, 2018
More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog. In a fawning interview with the stars of The Post, on Thursday’s NBC Today, co-anchor…
Scott Whitlock | January 3, 2018
[See NewsBusters for more.] Surprise! Journalists should stand up to those in power and “question the government.” That’s the lesson learned from the…
Eric Scheiner | December 8, 2017
Did you know Obama political guru David Axelrod now has a TV show? Surprise! It’s on CNN. “Axe Files” guest Tom Hanks, claims that calling CNN “…
Nick Kangadis | November 18, 2016
Who doesn’t love Tom Hanks? Whether the actor agrees with something or not, Hanks always keeps an open mind no matter the topic. On Tuesday,…
Monica Sanchez | March 26, 2015
On The Late Show with James Corden, actor and legend Tom Hanks recreated every movie from his illustrious film career in under seven minutes.   … | March 12, 2010
Actor Tom Hanks says that America is overcoming ignorance and racism, but 'it's just taking an awfully long time,' in the case of racism.
MarkF | March 5, 2010
Pretending to be a Morning Joe producer, Tom Hanks takes shots at Fox News and the Tea Party movement.