House Judiciary Committee
The more customers and Congress learn about how asset managers are colluding to advance a political agenda at the expense of financial performance,…
According to a new interim report released Friday by the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government – a title that might…
Check out the link to the full post here from NewsBusters!
After going 0-for-3 on Monday night’s broadcast network newscasts with the bombshell of…
This has gotta be a coincidence, right? There’s definitely no conflict of interest going on with the legal proceedings in New York City against…
On Wednesday, FBI Director Christopher Wray floated a conspiracy theory to Congress that the establishment media is all too happy to repeat — that…
Folks, there’s been a figurative killing in the House of Representatives. Please bow your heads in remembrance of Chinese spy lover, Rep. Eric…
The House Judiciary Committee has voted to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress “for failing to provide the lawfully…
Those in Washington D.C. — whether they’re politicians or higher ups in government agencies — really know how to spin a line of bull***t, don’t they…
On Wednesday’s CNN This Morning, anchors Phil Mattingly and Pamela Brown complained about FBI director Christopher Wray’s impending oversight hearing…
Check out the link to the full post here from NewsBusters!
During a Tuesday morning press briefing on the sidelines of the NATO conference in…
Led by Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), three members of the House Judiciary Committee sent letters to three of the nation’s biggest financial…
Our federal government really thinks you’re stupid. They want you to think that they’re merely being compassionate towards the millions of illegal…