When will a majority of Americans open their eyes to the growing political favoritism -- a.k.a. mercantilism, a.k.a. economic fascism -- the federal…
The Justice Department has a database of “incidental collection” information about U.S. citizens, which ten thousand DOJ employees can access – and…
Newly surrendered documents indicate that the tax-subsidized United States Postal “Service” (USPS) has engaged in a widespread spying campaign…
In a world where politicians count on many Americans – especially the US media – having short memories, the Biden Administration must be very…
Tuesday, September 29, is the big day that Clinton-appointee D.C. Federal District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan is supposed to hear “supplemental…
In 2016, it was revealed that Hillary Clinton and her former State Department Chief-of-Staff Cheryl Mills had hard-drives scrubbed with “…
Former Deputy Assistant General Rod Rosenstein was either complicit in wrongdoing in signing off on the FISA applications that led to the…
There's newly revealed evidence suggesting that the Obama administration – you know, the brilliant masterminds behind Fast and Furious, Benghazi and…
***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***
A complete and total blackout. That was how ABC, CBS, and NBC reacted…
Justice Department Inspector General, Michael Horowitz testifies about his report's conclusions on the FBI's investigations into the Trump…
Keen automobile expert Eric Peters recently sounded the alarm to a bill about which many Americans are unaware, and the information and its…
In news that seems to have been overshadowed by the spectacular, meme-filled Democratic primary debates -- and the media’s lack of coverage --…