Donald Trump

Alex Xenos | July 6, 2017
(See full article here) CNN's New Day started Thursday off with an extraordinarily hypocritical attack on President Trump. Co-host Chris Cuomo…
Nick Kangadis | July 5, 2017
At "Uncommon Sense," the mind-numbingly stupid will find no refuge. The sky is blue. Water is wet. Look both ways when crossing the street.…
Eric Scheiner | July 5, 2017
ABC reporter Matthew Dowd compared President Donald Trump with N. Korea’s Kim Jong Un on Good Morning America Wednesday. “The European community is…
Rich Noyes | July 4, 2017
On the July 3 edition of FNC's Fox & Friends, White House advisor Kellyanne Conway referred to two MRC studies released the previous week to make…
Nick Kangadis | July 3, 2017
If there was a Hall of Fame for hypocrites, world renown ice cream mavens Ben & Jerry would have to have their own wing built just for them.…
ashley.rae | July 3, 2017
(Image source: Twitter) While Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner’s roles in the White House have earned scorn and concerns about nepotism, neither…
Brittany M. Hughes | July 3, 2017
President Donald Trump came to the defense of little Charlie Gard in a tweet sent out Monday morning, saying that America would be “delighted” to…