Nick Kangadis | August 13, 2019
Update (8/13/2019, 11:16 am): CNN's Chris Cuomo sent out a tweet in response to "all the support" he's received after video emerged of his…
Eric Scheiner | August 9, 2019
In this week’s Wacky Moments Of Liberal Expression: The recent shootings provided a tragedy for the leftist vultures to exploit - and…
Eric Scheiner | August 7, 2019
MRCTV's Eric Scheiner is joined by Geoff Dickens of NewsBusters to discuss the medias activist coverage of recent tragic shootings. Will CNN's…
John Romero | August 7, 2019
CNN ran a segment while "interviewing" Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) where the network displayed a graphic with names of 49 Republican lawmakers who they…
mrctvstaff | August 6, 2019
The president of the Media Research Center (MRC) is calling CNN’s plan to hold a “town hall” event on gun control in El Paso on Wednesday night “a…
Nick Kangadis | August 6, 2019
(Writer’s Note: The actual names or pictures of either the El Paso, Texas shooter or the Dayton, Ohio shooter won’t be used in this blog as MRCTV isn…
Ferlon Webster Jr. | August 2, 2019
CNN’s Don Lemon showed his true colors Monday night as he interviewed Pastor Bill Owens, President of the Coalition of African-American Pastors,…
Nick Kangadis | July 31, 2019
It seems like Donald Trump Jr. isn't exactly impressed with Wednesday night's CNN Democrat debate, so much so that he felt it was only right to help…
Nick Kangadis | July 31, 2019
The Trump team had to go into the wayback machine to find the video clip they were looking for — twenty years to be exact. But eventually, a 1999…
Nick Kangadis | July 30, 2019
Republicans aren't staying silent Tuesday evening during the first of two Democrat debates hosted by CNN. After presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth…
Nick Kangadis | July 30, 2019
Not a word had yet been said, yet Democrat presidential candidate Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) spoke volumes while the national anthem was being sung…