Brent Baker | February 18, 2013
CNN’s Wolf Blitzer teased on the February 13 The Situation Room, the day after Senator Marco Rubio’s Republican response to the State of the Union: “…
Rich Noyes | February 9, 2013
Talking to Bill Nye “the science guy” on the February 9 edition of CNN Newsroom, anchor Deborah Feyerick asked about an asteroid that was scheduled…
MattH | February 4, 2013
CNN's Howard Kurtz said of the media "are almost portraying" Hillary Clinton's departure from Secretary of State "as walking on water."
MattH | January 29, 2013
Grilling former RNC chair and senator Mel Martinez (R-Fla.), CNN's Soledad O'Brien asked if minorities "don't know" the GOP or "they know you and…
MattH | January 21, 2013
Before President Obama's inauguration on Monday, CNN's John King helped bolster the President's image by asking Republican Congressman Steve King (…
MattH | January 16, 2013
CNN continued its trend of marginalizing gun rights advocates on Wednesday. Anchor Soledad O'Brien derided a CNN guest who had cited her fear of…
MattH | January 10, 2013
Pointing to other countries with strict gun laws, CNN's Fareed Zakaria slammed U.S. gun violence as "anomalous" and criticized U.S. lawmakers for not…
MattH | January 9, 2013
CNN's Piers Morgan has made headlines by clamoring for more gun laws, and CNN gave him plenty of attention on Wednesday with a live interview and…
MattH | January 7, 2013
CNN's Howard Kurtz hosted GOP-bashing Thomas Mann and Norm Ornstein on Sunday's Reliable Sources. Kurtz did challenge their position, while Ornstein…
MattH | January 4, 2013
Reporting on Hugo Chavez's illness, CNN brought on, of all the guests, Chavez-fan Oliver Stone. "He represents hope and change, the things that Obama…
MattH | January 4, 2013
At Thursday's swearing-in ceremonies on Capitol Hill, Vice President Joe Biden told the husband of an incoming U.S. Senator "Spread your legs, you're…