Maureen Collins | August 10, 2017
 It is blatantly obvious that the media have been misreporting the Google memo story that broke earlier this week. The memo, written by now-former…
Lianne Hikind | August 7, 2017
In a heated roundtable discussing the Trump administration, former Jeb Bush supporter and GOP strategist Ana Navarro used her screen time to compare…
ashley.rae | August 3, 2017
While many liberal journalists have been offering their sympathies to CNN’s Jim Acosta in light of his rebuke by White House policy advisor Stephen…
Alex Xenos | July 25, 2017
(See the full article here) CNN's New Day co-host Alisyn Camerota had Brian Stelter interview her about her new book, Amanda Wakes Up. In this…
Eric Scheiner | July 20, 2017
Facebook claims there is no evidence that Russians used advertisements to boost certain stories on its social media platform during the 2016 election…
Michael Johns | July 20, 2017
In state after state, a consensus is emerging that ObamaCare is failing the American people. ObamaCare premiums and deductibles have become so cost…
Brittany M. Hughes | July 11, 2017
No, this is not an Onion headline. CNN, the same reputable news outlet that brought us “Americans: Stupid as Sh*t” and the classic “From Russia,…
Bryan Michalek | July 7, 2017
Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the creators of the immensely popular cartoon series South Park, have decided to drop Trump jokes heading into Season 21…
Maureen Collins | July 6, 2017
At this point in the week, pretty much everyone agrees that the folks at CNN are losing their damn minds.  Earlier this week, CNN threatened to dox…
Brittany M. Hughes | July 6, 2017
If CNN had any more egg dripping off their smug faces, they’d be an omelet. They got caught last week admitting they knew the whole Trump-Russia…
Michael Johns | July 6, 2017
During an economic panel discussion on CNN’s New Day Tuesday, John Berman and his guests presented highly opinionated and inaccurate economic…