CNN's Ana Navarro Compares Trump Administration To a Las Vegas Brothel

Lianne Hikind | August 7, 2017

In a heated roundtable discussing the Trump administration, former Jeb Bush supporter and GOP strategist Ana Navarro used her screen time to compare President Trump's administration to a Las Vegas brothel. Currently a CNN political analyst, Navarro had this to say during a segment discussing the president's first 200 days:

“His White House has had more people go in and out for quickies than a Las Vegas brothel."

She continued with her external monologue: 

"He keeps fabricating, making up things and outright lying,” Navarro added. “He keeps tweeting like a deranged person. He has caused international incidents. The leaks out of his White House are like cheese cloth. So, no. I don’t think you can say this has been a good 200 days.”

Navarro has been one of the president's most outspoken critics and was a vocal supporter of Jeb Bush during the GOP primaries.

Watch the exchange here:

(Photo credit: Gage Skidmore)