Barack Obama

Matthew Balan | September 3, 2013
CBS This Morning on 3 September 2013 spotlighted the upcoming one-year anniversary of the Islamist attack on the U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi…
Eric Scheiner | August 31, 2013
Delaying what had loomed as an imminent strike, President Barack Obama abruptly announced Saturday he will seek congressional approval before…
mathew | August 29, 2013
In remarks that are sure to dismay the race-baiting crew at MSNBC, President Obama admitted in an interview yesterday that he does not think that…
Brent Baker | August 29, 2013
PBS’s Judy Woodruff and Gwen Ifill provided a tag team of Obama idolatry in their interview with President Barack Obama at the White House following…
Rich Noyes | August 28, 2013
In an August 28 interview shown on PBS's NewsHour, anchor Gwen Ifill suggested to President Obama that he was a victim of racism: “I interviewed…
Matthew Balan | August 28, 2013
From CBS News special coverage of 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" address on 28 August 2013:SCOTT PELLEY:  Doug Brinkley,…
Scott Whitlock | August 28, 2013
ABC's George Stephanopoulos fawned over "teacher," "preacher" Obama's speech. Video cross-posted at NewsBusters.