Alan Moore | March 22, 2016
Since late January of 2012, the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard has featured a weekly “Mainstream Media Scream” selection in his “Washington Secrets” column. For each pick, usually posted online on Monday, our own Brent Baker provides an explanation and recommends a “scream” rating (on a scale of one to five). Check Bedard’s “Washington Secrets” blog for the latest choice and his other…
Alan Moore | March 15, 2016
Posted below: the March 7 edition of Notable Quotables, MRC’s bi-weekly compilation of the latest outrageous quotes in the liberal media. This issue: MSNBC host Chris Matthews says the GOP's "number one goal is to keep blacks from voting," while journalists debate whether Donald Trump more resembles an American Adolf Hitler or a "right-wing" talk radio host. Meanwhile, NBC anchor Lester Holt is…
Alan Moore | March 14, 2016
Jon Gabriel, the editor of the conservative website Ricochet, has collected a long list of some of the most dire environmental disaster warnings made by climate alarmists since Earth Day in 1970 -- none of which actually came true. As you peruse these laughable predictions, remember all the alarmist claims you hear today and imagine how silly they will all look (we're looking at you Al Gore!) in…
Alan Moore | March 7, 2016
Everyone needs a laugh. Enjoy the latest cartoons!    
Alan Moore | March 2, 2016
The media love to criticize conservative donors like the Koch brothers for backing issues important to them. But, journalists largely ignore the incredible financial power being used to promote the liberal agenda. Everyone is familiar with George Soros. His escapades are well documented and, occasionally, make the news. But, there are others that are just as, if not more, influential as George…
Alan Moore | March 2, 2016
A Reddit user posted a bill he received from his mother for supporting him for 13 months. This image is now going viral. The bill is neatly organized by Item Type, Description, Quantity, Unit Price, and Amount. It even includes a 13 percent tax rate and a unique invoice number. Some of the more notable bill items include: Tuition for 5 years of education - $23,550.00 1/5 share of the…
Alan Moore | March 1, 2016
Celebrities hate being called out for their hypocrisy.  In observance of this, we looked at 12 celebrities who are so disconnected from reality that they can’t see the hypocrisy in sitting in their big houses while condemning middle class Americans for driving too much, or for not switching their entire lifestyles to eco-friendly. These celebrities are worth a combined total of $1.9 billion,…
Alan Moore | February 26, 2016
Clare Daly, a newlywed from the U.K., died two months after experiencing shoulder pain. Assuming it was a pulled muscle, she initially ignored the problem. When the pain became severe, doctors diagnosed her with an aggressive form of melanoma. Two years prior, Daly had a mole removed that doctors believe was the source of the melanoma. Doctors told her that her only chance for survival was a…
Alan Moore | February 24, 2016
The Donald has done it again. Shortly after polls closed at 9:00 p.m. PCT, CNN declared Donald Trump the winner of the Nevada Caucuses. This follows wins in New Hampshire and South Carolina. Although the real estate mogul has been heavily criticized for his statements regarding immigration, he managed to win 44 percent of Latino voters in Nevada.  According to CNN commentator Mel Robbins,…