Donald Trump Declared Winner of the Nevada Caucuses

Alan Moore | February 24, 2016

The Donald has done it again. Shortly after polls closed at 9:00 p.m. PCT, CNN declared Donald Trump the winner of the Nevada Caucuses. This follows wins in New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Although the real estate mogul has been heavily criticized for his statements regarding immigration, he managed to win 44 percent of Latino voters in Nevada. 

According to CNN commentator Mel Robbins, the race for the GOP nomination is over:

So what is the GOP waiting for? In the past six GOP primaries without an incumbent, with the exception of Newt Gingrich in 2012, every South Carolina winner since 1980 went on to become the eventual Republican nominee.

For all Trump haters, that's not good news.

If you are still crossing your fingers hoping for a Rubio surge, I advise you, don't waste your time. The race is over. It's time for the GOP establishment to decide if it wants to continue the identity crisis or elect a president.

The Republican nominee is Donald Trump.

The Drudge Report also seems to think the race is over, judging by this picture and headline:

What do you think? Here are the full results.