
Tim Graham is executive editor of NewsBusters. 

Tim Graham | January 27, 2020
Former Fox News star Megyn Kelly told Bill Maher the media's "100 percent" biased in the Trump era, and that CNN has become what Trump said it was, a megaphone for the Left. 
Tim Graham | January 27, 2020
Alex Wagner, who still sounds like an MSNBC opinionator at CBS News, insists on Bill Maher's show that the impeachment trial is a "test" of democracy, and unless Republicans remove President Trump, they have "shredded basic principles."
Tim Graham | January 25, 2020
After years as a CNN analyst, Steve Cortes is a free agent on TV again. On Saturday night, MSNBC's Joy Reid put him up against three Never Trumpers. Rick Wilson was comparing "First Thug" Donald Trump to Saddam Hussein and his backers to Nazis at a Nuremberg rally. Cortes said unlikeable elitists like Wilson helped Trump win in 2016 and will get him re-elected in 2020.
Tim Graham | January 24, 2020
On Friday morning, a panel of CNN journalists ripped into Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) for attacking Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who set the impeachment train in motion. 
Tim Graham | January 24, 2020
The CBSN streaming channel aired a puffball interview on Wednesday with the acting CEO of Planned Parenthood, Alexis McGill Johnson, from Davos, Switzerland. 
Tim Graham | January 24, 2020
During Thursday's live coverage of impeachment on ABC, Trump lawyer Jay Sekulow was taking questions from reporters, but ABC's George Stephanopoulos was caught on camera doing the slit-the-throat "kill" sign to cut off the pro-Trump talking points. 
Tim Graham | January 23, 2020
On Wednesday's Tucker Carlson Tonight, the Fox News host heartily mocked the media gush over Adam Schiff, the "surging waves of ecstasy" at his televised presence. 
Tim Graham | January 23, 2020
On Thursday's New Day, CNN analyst Paul Begala gushed and glowed over Adam Schiff droning on for two and half hours about evil Trump. 
Tim Graham | January 22, 2020
In a "pre-game" segment before Wednesday's Senate trial proceedings on CBSN, 60 Minutes correspondent discussed differences between today's impeachment effort and the 1999 Clinton impeachment. She asserted -- wrongly -- that there was no Fox News in 1999, but it launched in October 1996.
Tim Graham | January 22, 2020
President Trump met the press in Davos on Wednesday morning, and when ABC's Kyra Phillips asked if he would consider attending his own impeachment trial, he expressed interest...and then let the press have it.