
Tim Graham is executive editor of NewsBusters. 

Tim Graham | March 18, 2020
The "fact checkers" picked up on Joe Biden claiming the Trump administration "refused" coronavirus testing kits from the World Health Organization. PolitiFact tagged Biden as "Mostly False," since the WHO never offered the tests to the US. CNN tried to claim "Biden is correct"! 
Tim Graham | March 16, 2020
On Sunday's AM Joy, MSNBC host Joy Reid mocked HUD secretary Ben Carson for wasting everyone's time as a White House coronavirus briefing by discussing the president proclaiming a National Day of Prayer for coronavirus victims and responders. 
Tim Graham | March 16, 2020
On Sunday's Life, Liberty & Levin, Mark Levin discussed the Chinese intimidation of our media with Michael Pillsbury, an expert on Chinese strategy with the Hudson Institute.
Tim Graham | March 14, 2020
The media have spent weeks trashing President Trump on the coronavirus response, and then they trash him for thinking this is "all about him." On the taxpayer-supported PBS NewsHour, pseudoconservative analyst David Brooks angrily diagnosed the president as a "sociopath."
Tim Graham | March 11, 2020
“Do you feel frustrated that you've been in public life for 30 years and yet people feel like that they don't know who you are? That you seem inauthentic?” Hillary replied “I do! I feel like what, what, what is this about?”
Tim Graham | March 9, 2020
CNN's Brian Stelter has sought to paint Donald Trump's attacks on the press as anti-First Amendment, and endangering the safety of journalists. But when Bernie Sanders said "don't believe the media," Stelter can only lunge to explain that's so different! Stelter helps Sanders spokesman David Sirota explain the differences.
Tim Graham | March 9, 2020
For years, CNN's Brian Stelter has sought to play up fears of Trump's "mental fitness" for office, so it's quite interesting for him to attack Fox News for spreading the idea of Joe Biden's "cognitive decline." In a powder-puff interview with a Biden aide, Stelter could only show his disdain at this mirror-image of his attack. 
Tim Graham | March 7, 2020
On Friday's PBS show Washington Week, CNN's Abby Phillip brought all the usual lecturing after Senator Warren left the race about how there are deeply embedded biases against women in voting, even among Democrats, even among women voters. No one needs to mention Warren lying about her race to advance in academe, or Democrat voters thinking they tried a woman against Trump last time, and that didn…
Tim Graham | March 6, 2020
Sam Donaldson trashed Joe Biden as having no "fire in the belly" for a "knife fight" with Donald Trump during the lunch hour on MSNBC on Super Tuesday. Then Bloomberg won American Samoa. So much for Sam's influence -- even with Democrat voters.