
Tim Graham is executive editor of NewsBusters. 

Tim Graham | September 13, 2021
 PBS host Hari Sreenivasan helps liberal journalist to assert the "War on Terror" is a ruse for racism and Islamophobia. "So you're saying that this is essentially a way for us to sugarcoat that we're really only talking about attacks from Muslim brown guys from overseas."
Tim Graham | September 13, 2021
Two days before America commemorated 9/11, the PBS talk show Amanpour & Co. provided a platform to leftist author Spencer Ackerman to promote his book Reign of Terror: How the 9/11 Era Destabilized America and Produced Trump. Ackerman claims the War on Terror was only about brown Muslims and white rightist terrorists never had anything to fear from federal law enforcement. 
Tim Graham | September 11, 2021
On the night before the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the PBS NewsHour pundit team agreed on the proposition that Trump's backers are a bigger terrorist threat than ISIS. Jonathan Capehart proclaimed "I think MAGA and the domestic terror threat is much more worrisome than any foreign threat we could face," and David Brooks nodded in assent. 
Tim Graham | September 5, 2021
Liberals aren't the best historians. PBS gasbag Ken Burns pandered to CNN on Sunday by claiming the January 6 riot was a "great crisis" for America just like the Civil War and the Second World War. Isn't this like comparing Hiroshima to last summer's rioting in Portland? 
Tim Graham | September 5, 2021
As part of his five-minute lecture on Saturday, CNN "news" anchor Jim Acosta accused Tucker Carlson and Texas Republicans as an "American Taliban" imposing a real-life version of A Handmaid's Tale. Is there any other screechy feminist trope Acosta didn't borrow?
Tim Graham | September 5, 2021
During his Saturday afternoon CNN Newsroom time, hothead Jim Acosta called Tucker Carlson a "human manure spreader" of the "far right" who endangers America's democracy. 
Tim Graham | September 4, 2021
On Friday's PBS NewsHour, Washington Post columnist and MSNBC weekend host Jonathan Capehart insisted the fiasco in Afghanistan would be a "momentary blip" in the President's approval numbers. 
Tim Graham | August 26, 2021
MSNBC host Joy Reid is a piece of work. She smeared Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday night as "Doctor Death," who's "rolling out the red carpet for this virus" by opposing mandates. 
Tim Graham | August 21, 2021
On Friday night, black conservative gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder appeared on Hannity to respond to the Los Angeles Times column smearing him as the "black face of white supremacy."
Tim Graham | August 9, 2021
Ranting as the "news" anchor on Saturday's CNN Newsroom, Jim Acosta editorialized that new variants of COVID should be named after Republicans like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis since they'd rather "own the libs" than save lives.