
Tim Graham is executive editor of NewsBusters. 

Tim Graham | May 30, 2022
On MSNBC on Sunday, host Ayman Mohyeldin touted an AP story attacking red states for having junky health care systems that will be strained in a "post-Roe baby boom." Then he followed up by interviewing a Planned Parenthood doctor.
Tim Graham | May 24, 2022
On Monday's New Day, CNN provided a platform for Catholic Sirius/XM radio host Katie McGrady to explain why the Archbishop of San Francisco is denying communion to Speaker Nancy Pelosi -- as a religious matter, not as a political punishment.
Tim Graham | May 23, 2022
CNN Reliable Sources host bemoaned all the "doom and gloom" news last week, and downplayed that a pile these problems can be blamed on the Biden administration. Former New York Times reporter compared the bad news to "long COVID" and "people say when  you have it you have brain fog. Well, that's sort of what we have now."   
Tim Graham | May 16, 2022
On Friday night's Real Time with Bill Maher, the HBO host lamented the so-called "Disinformation Governance Board" within the Department of Homeland Security and said it sounds like Orwell's Ministry of Truth.
Tim Graham | May 10, 2022
On Monday's Tucker Carlson Tonight, the Fox host interviewed Juliane Appling of Wisconsin Family Action, whose Madison offices were fire-bombed over the weekend.
Tim Graham | May 10, 2022
On Sunday night, as Mother’s Day wound to a close, MSNBC’s Ayman show put on a panel including liberal comedian Laurie Kilmartin. Host Ayman Mohyeldin was highly amused when Kilmartin suggested she would “make love” to whoever leaked the Alito draft opinion to Politico, and if they were a Republican and she got pregnant, she would “joyfully abort our fetus.”
Tim Graham | May 10, 2022
At the end of her panel discussion, MSNBC host Ayman Mohyeldin told comedian Laurie Kilmartin "I appreciate your insights and your comedy routines, and Laurie, in your case, some of your revelations there." Kilmartin laughed heartily.  
Tim Graham | May 9, 2022
On Sunday night's Life, Liberty, & Levin, Mark Levin took an hour to underline the very checkered history of The New York Times and how its reporters served as misinformation spigots for the Nazis, the Soviets, Fidel Castro, and so on. The invasion of Ukraine is nudging old Times veterans to regret their terrible history in covering up Stalin's forced famine in Ukraine.
Tim Graham | April 12, 2022
Washington Post media blogger Erik Wemple needled Brian Stelter on how he couldn’t handle a professor on his show declaring that CNN was a partisan filter like Fox News.