Robert De Niro

Nick Kangadis | May 23, 2018
Actor Robert De Niro is apparently such a tough guy that he can’t handle President Donald Trump basically paying him to eat. The Daily Mail is…
Nick Kangadis | April 5, 2018
Actor Robert De Niro is a hateful little man, and his latest comments prove just how close minded and ignorant Leftists like him actually are. De…
Nick Kangadis | February 12, 2018
Remember when actor Robert De Niro used to be considered a “tough guy” and a “man’s man” after years of roles in which he played the parts of actual…
Mark Judge | May 9, 2017
Yeah, he’s talkin’ to Trump...and you. On Monday night during his speech accepting the Film Society of Lincoln Center's Chaplin Award, actor Robert…