
Madison Rising | January 15, 2013
#1 best selling pro-American rock band, Madison Rising, will be performing a special concert this Saturday, January 19th (Gun Appreciation Day) in…
MRCTVone | January 11, 2013
MRCTV took to the streets to see if we could find anyone who supported the actions taken by the Journal News last week when it printed the names and…
Jeffrey Meyer | July 25, 2012
MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell has joined the list of his colleagues deciding to disgustingly politicize the tragic Colorado shooting.  On Tuesday night…
MattH | April 3, 2012
Before CNN's Carol Costello asked her panel about gun laws in light of the Trayvon Martin shooting, she played a clip of liberal comedian Bill Maher…
MattH | February 28, 2012
In lieu of Monday's school shooting in Ohio, CNN host Piers Morgan and liberal comedian Bill Maher embarked on a lengthy screed against the gun laws…
Stephen Gutowski | December 12, 2011
The Occupiers in Portland were caught today with, among other things, a loaded gun whose permit was expired and a sword. Yea, a sword.As bizarre as…
Stephen Gutowski | January 18, 2011
Yes, this is in regards to the Arizona shootings but, to be fair to Michael Moore, hes basically been saying this same thing his entire career. You…