fake news

Brittany M. Hughes | August 3, 2018
Jim Acosta over at CNN is clutching his pearls, trying desperately to figure out why half of America absolutely hates his guts. Why? Well, because…
Brittany M. Hughes | August 1, 2018
National Geographic admitted this week it deceptively used a photo of an emaciated polar bear to push a global warming narrative. The wildly famous…
Patrick Hauf | July 24, 2018
Last week, a Texas waiter’s Facebook post went viral after he claimed he wasn’t tipped because of racism. Now, it turns out he staged the whole thing…
Patrick Hauf | July 13, 2018
ABC late night host Jimmy Kimmel deleted a video from one of his televised segments Wednesday night after receiving backlash for being blatantly…
Patrick Hauf | July 13, 2018
President Donald Trump blasted CNN Friday morning during his joint press conference with United Kingdom Prime Minister Theresa May. “CNN is fake…
Eric Scheiner | July 6, 2018
In this week’s Wacky Moments of Liberal Expression we dive in to the labyrinth of liberal logic – that kicked off Monday on CNN with a very…
Brittany M. Hughes | July 2, 2018
ABC openly admitted Sunday to having published “fake news” – their words, not mine – about the Trump administration “losing” 1,500 migrant children,…
Monica Sanchez | June 27, 2018
According to a new Axios/SurveyMonkey poll, an overwhelming majority of Americans (72%) believe the media knowingly and intentionally report "fake,…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 26, 2018
The state of California is looking to create an official “fake news” advisory board to ferret out information they determine to be misleading. And…
Caleb Tolin | June 12, 2018
In an interview with CNN this week, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders claimed that "real wages," which are adjusted for inflation, aren’t rising. “Do you…
Nick Kangadis | May 29, 2018
Leftists need to learn that if they truly want the change that they had eight years of — and still constantly clamor for — facts help any argument.…
Eric Scheiner | May 4, 2018
In this week's edition of Wacky Moments of Liberal Expression: The liberal media decides to actually put words in the mouth of White House…