Eric Scheiner | February 20, 2018
The liberal media reported on the “love rally” back on November 12, 2016. With CNN and MSNBC heaping piles of praise and promotion to the anti-Trump…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 12, 2018
The media spent the entire weekend fawning over the North Korean delegation to the Olympics. Yeah, forget about speed skating and the bobsled –…
Eric Scheiner | February 8, 2018
(Photo: Pax Ahimsa Gethen) If Congress can’t reach a DACA deal to keep young, illegal aliens in the country, some say they will leave. That’s the…
Brent Baker | January 29, 2018
CNN on January 26 launched a new anti-Trump video ad. The narrator over a picture of a peeled banana:  “Some people might try to tell you that this…
Scott Whitlock | January 29, 2018
[See NewsBusters for more.] When Donald Trump allegedly used the word “shithole” in reference some African countries, journalist and media outlets…
Eric Scheiner | January 26, 2018
This week’s edition of Wacky Moments of Liberal Expression showcases CNN hitting high moments of hypocrisy. CNN took time to criticize…
ashley.rae | January 25, 2018
CNN took a break from reporting on President Trump’s tweeting habits to inform the public that, actually, cuckolding can have “positive” benefits for…
Eric Scheiner | January 19, 2018
Welcome to this week’s wacky moments of liberal expression. Nothing was more amusing this week than watching the press meltdown when the…
Nick Kangadis | January 18, 2018
I would compare CNN’s Jim Acosta a worm, but that might be offensive to actual worms. One day after Acosta was kicked out of the Oval Office by…
Nick Kangadis | January 18, 2018
Oh, CNN. Your false hubris is showing — even more than your “fake news.” Here’s a question: Who loves watching a CNN segment that they think will…
Monica Sanchez | January 18, 2018
Image via Gage Skidmore - Flickr CNN, which made President Trump’s list of the top 10 fake news stories of 2017 four times, actually took the time…
Eric Scheiner | January 18, 2018
President Trump released his “Fake News Awards” and not surprisingly a New York Times article on the economy tops his list. released the…