Climate Change

melanie.hunter | September 20, 2016
In a speech to the United Nations Tuesday, President Barack Obama said if the world does not “act boldly” on climate change, there will be "mass…
Craig Bannister | September 16, 2016
Pres. Obama warned Thursday that a quarter of homes in his home state of Hawaii and one in five in Sec. of State John Kerry’s hometown of Boston are…
Eric Scheiner | September 16, 2016
Nick Kangadis | September 6, 2016
You can’t make this stuff up. But you can just shake your head and say, “Okaaaayyy?” All air travel at London City Airport had to be halted …
Brittany M. Hughes | September 1, 2016
President Obama painted a dire picture of the coming climate apocalypse while speaking in Hawaii yesterday at the annual World Conservation…
Craig Bannister | August 29, 2016
The U.S. Dept. of Energy (DOE) has discovered a way to turn every man, woman, child and flatulent cow on the planet into an energy source – and…
Eric Scheiner | August 25, 2016
Eric Scheiner | August 15, 2016
Brittany M. Hughes | August 9, 2016
Congratulations, American taxpayer! You’ve just doled out $450,000 to Arizona State University so researchers can study whether people get hot when…
Nick Kangadis | July 27, 2016
At Uncommon Sense, the mind-numbingly stupid will find no refuge. The sky is blue. Water is wet. Look both ways when crossing the street. If you…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | July 5, 2016
It seems as if more and more state legislatures are taking small steps to push back against federal tyranny and reassert what were supposed to be…