black lives matter

ashley.rae | July 20, 2015
At the Progressive Netroots Nation conference, Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley made the “gaffe” of claiming “all lives matter.”…
Jeffrey Meyer | July 19, 2015
Video cross-posted here at NewsBusters. On Sunday’s Inside Politics, Daily Beast reporter Jackie Kucinich criticized former Maryland Governor Martin…
danjoseph | June 17, 2015
Rachel Dolezal, the white woman who has spent years posing as an African American and became a high ranking official in the NAACP, has also been a…
ashley.rae | June 12, 2015
Image source: AMC Action News 5 A civil rights activist who once walked alongside Martin Luther King Jr. has put a new twist on the popular “black…
ashley.rae | June 1, 2015
Former Maryland governor and presidential contender Martin O’Malley faced backlash from “Black Lives Matter” protesters during his presidential…
Monica Sanchez | March 17, 2015
The Huey P. Newton Gun Club, named after the co-founder of the Black Panther Party, led a pro-Second Amendment slash “Black Lives Matter” march…
danjoseph | January 8, 2015
It wasn't all about race at Al Sharpton's "Justice For All" march last month in Washington, DC. MRCTV saw our fair share of socialist groups and …
Monica Sanchez | January 8, 2015
This new #BlackLivesMatter photo has taken the internet by storm. The original version of the picture shows a "#BlackLivesMatter" banner being held…
Monica Sanchez | January 6, 2015
Watch the latest video at <a href=""></a> Expecting to attend a ceremony where he would be…
Monica Sanchez | December 15, 2014
After the #BlackLivesMatter protest in Washington D.C. on Saturday, a group of protesters made an unannounced stop at the White House yelling, “…
Monica Sanchez | December 6, 2014
Following the New York grand jury decision not to indict police officer Daniel Pantaleo in the chokehold death of Eric Garner, angered protesters…