Nick Kangadis
Asst. Managing Editor/Blogger/On-Air Talent

Nick Kangadis is an alumnus of the University of Arizona - Global Campus, where he graduated Magna Cum Laude in Journalism & Mass Communications and minored in Political Science. He is currently the Assistant Managing Editor for MRCTV and MRC Culture.

Nick Kangadis | August 14, 2019
Hey, you found us! I wasn’t sure it would happen after the news broke of a Project Veritas report that Google blocked conservative sites including MRCTV from their search results. Media Research Center (MRC) Founder and President Brent Bozell tweeted about the report, saying that “Google is being run by shady radicals behaving like FASCISTS.” In terms of information, Google — along with most…
Nick Kangadis | August 13, 2019
Update (8/13/2019, 11:16 am): CNN's Chris Cuomo sent out a tweet in response to "all the support" he's received after video emerged of his confrontation with a heckler who called him "Fredo." Appreciate all the support but - truth is I should be better than the guys baiting me. This happens all the time these days. Often in front of my family. But there is a lesson: no need to add to the…
Nick Kangadis | August 12, 2019
In a recent interview on “The Bill Simmons Podcast,” comedian Sarah Silverman admitted that she was once fired from a movie because of her use of blackface in a 2007 episode of her old TV show, “The Sarah Silverman Program.” Silverman said that she understood why she was fired from the role and “didn’t fight it,” despite her being known for her, sometimes, controversial comedy. “I recently…
Nick Kangadis | August 12, 2019
What’s next? Synchronized swimming? Darts? Not to take anything away from the athleticism it takes to be a top tier fencer, but how far down the “ESPN: The Ocho” rabbit hole are we going to go in order to find a sport that hasn’t had a poisonous injection of politics into it? U.S. men’s fencing team member Race Imboden took a knee on while the U.S. national anthem was played after his team won…
Nick Kangadis | August 12, 2019
While Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot seems to be more concerned with Ivanka Trump's tweets about the violence in the Windy City, people are being shot at an increasingly steady rate. Police are taking some weapons off the street, but even though Chicago already has some of the country’s toughest gun laws, the mayor thinks the answer to the violence is putting restrictions on legal gun owners.…
Nick Kangadis | August 9, 2019
In light of the media, Hollywood and leftist politicians making their official stance that all Trump supporters are racist white supremacists, President Donald Trump took to Twitter to let them know who some of the people are who he deems racist — “Liberal Hollywood.” Trump tweeted on Friday afternoon that “Liberal Hollywood is Racist” and how they always like to call themselves “Elite.”…
Nick Kangadis | August 9, 2019
An emotional scene unfolded before the eyes of travelers at Dallas Love Field Airport on Thursday involving a son paying tribute to his late father in one of the most amazing ways this writer has ever seen or heard of. Col. Roy Knight Jr. said goodbye to his then 5-year-old son at Dallas Love Field Airport in 1967 as he was departing to fight in the Vietnam War as a pilot in the Air Force. He…
Nick Kangadis | August 9, 2019
Nice try, Joe. Former Vice President Joe Biden was on the campaign trail in Iowa on Thursday, and the Democrat hopeful tried to catch himself after yet another verbal gaffe. Unfortunately for Biden, his calls of racism against President Donald Trump are going to have to take a backseat — at least for a day — while everybody calls him out for a statement he can’t take back. I’m just going to…
Nick Kangadis | August 8, 2019
Civil rights leader and news contributor Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., took to Twitter Thursday morning to voice her full support for President Donald Trump amidst the barrage of calls that he is a racist. King's tweet came along with a clip of a recent appearance on Fox News where she responded to the majority of the media's claims that Trump is a racist. "A racist is a…
Nick Kangadis | August 8, 2019
Sometimes you have to wonder how far-leftists automatically know what anyone on the right REALLY means when they say anything. It’s almost as if they’re projecting their own private beliefs into the forefront by projecting them onto people that either disagree with their world view or simply people they don’t like. They always claim that those on the right speak in “dog whistles” or “hatespeak,”…